20 Famous Robots

  1. Wall-E
  2. RD2D
  3. c-3po
  4. Gort
  5. B.E.N
  6. Kryten
  7. Johnny 5
  8. M-O
  9. CL4p-Tp
  10. Tin Man
  11. Clank
  12. I Robot
  13. X-5
  14. Atlas
  15. Machine-Human
  16. Bubo
  17. Rover
  18. Henry the hoover
  19. Ed 209
  20. Bender

I shall chose 5 robots to draw out of this list. The 5 will be Clank, Bender, Atlas, Wall-E and M-O.


This the first drawn i have done of my five chosen robots, the first one is Clank from the video game series and movie called ” Ratchet And Clank”.

Screen Shot 2016-11-17 at 1.53.35 PM.png

Put into groups. My group had Kai, Me, Jordan and Dylan. These three people told me what they liked about the robots and what to improve about them.

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